Uncommon Planigale

This project highlights the plight of the, the Common Planigale, or Pygmy Marsupial Mouse, a vulnerable indigenous species. An ephemeral installation overlayed an existing plant-based sculpture, award-winning Simpson’s Sofa, which Joanne Mott produced for the inaugural Brunswick Heads Sculpture Walk in 2015. Simpson’s Sofa is composed of plants that would form natural habitat for this threatened animal. Grade 4 students were engaged once again (they helped with the initial planting of Simpson’s Sofa) at Brunswick Heads Primary School to develop these artworks. Over 60 cardboard cut-out figures of the Common Planigale, were hand detailed by the students, then installed into the grass plantings along the mound. Glow–in–the-dark paint base coat made the cut-outs visible into the evening, referencing the creature’s nocturnal habits.

 The artworks stayed for the duration of the Brunswick Nature Sculpture Walk 2018.